We are pleased to offer our own "YOU'VE BEEN SPOTTED!" Award, to be given to webmasters who provide excellence in content, visual beauty, and superior design in websites that feature animals, cats or pets. If you are interested in applying for this award, please read this page carefully.
Website should somehow include ANIMALS, CATS, OR PETS!
Big Cat, sanctuary and all rescue sites are welcome!
Content should be inspirational, informative, truthful!
Site should contain some original photographs or graphics!
Absolutely NO Adult material, or "Under Construction" signs!
Site should be easy to navigate, and suitable for children!
To apply, send us an E-MAIL and tell us: 1) Your name and the URL of the site you are nominating; 2) Name of the site and your e-mail address; 3) A brief description of the site (no longer than 50 words), 4) Tell us WHY you think this site should win our Award!
Please allow us 2-4 weeks to visit your site!
Winners will be sent their award purr-sonally by Marsha!