Foothill Felines Bengals Present:
Bart With Madolyn
"Very interesting and deeply touching is that Madolyn took great comfort in our presence during birth and INSISTED that we remain next to her. Her only distress arose when we tried to leave her to herself, which, acknowledging that most cats prefer privacy during this time, we felt we should offer her that privacy. Not so! She did not want us to leave her and still requires us to be near. She held and kneaded Bart's hand during and after delivery of baby #4 (we unfortunately missed the first 3 by mere minutes). Madolyn draws great comfort from our frequent touching and talking to her and the babies. This picture is of her basking in the presence of Bart whom she dearly loves."
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All photos taken by Judy Brodland, Baju Bengals, Washington State. e-mail: