Whether it's during the holidays or anytime ... welcome to our cattery!
![]() In 1992, the first Bengal cat entered my life; well, Magnum is half Abysinnian, half Bengal. He was the most extraordinary kitten; he brought (and continues to bring) such joy to my son and to me. He was unlike any feline we'd ever been around before; he delighted us with his playfulness, his gracefulness, and all the games and tricks he'd come up with to keep us playing with him all day long. |
Some of our earliest Foothill Felines Bengal breeders.
Left to right: Gogees Marshamelo of FF; FF Marissa (from our very first litter!); Gogees Maverick of FFIt was in 1995 that my son Wes, then 17, completely lost his kidney function. Since I'd been a single parent raising him by myself since he was 9 months old ... I knew that our lives would never be the same, and that I had to find a way to become a stay-at-home mother and not only try to support us financially, but support us emotionally as well.
One of the indoor rooms for our cats at Foothill Felines
By that time, I'd purchased a couple more Bengal kittens ... these ones were pedigreed, and intended for breeding. Somehow, we managed to have a few litters of kittens while dealing with the enormity of Wesley on dialysis and finally receiving his kidney transplant, and all that was involved before, during and after. I will be forever grateful to my mother who was able to come live with us and help for that critical almost 2 years.
Foothill Felines decorated for Christmas
Slowly at first, Foothill Felines Cattery was born. Our cats and kittens are considered full members of our family, and I'm a very lucky woman indeed to share my home, heart and life with them. Each one is so special and has taught me incredible life lessons, humility, and always more knowledge/experience.
A wonderful memory is the Hollywood photo shoot of our cats in 2003.
Our gorgeous superstar "Foothill Felines Picasso"
is now featured on Eukanuba kitten food bags!One of the most unexpected pleasures that these cats have brought to us, is the friendship of so many special people. Our customers become our extended family, which just continues to grow. We have met the most amazing people through these cats!! To feel that we are bringing joy into other peoples' lives through the kittens we breed and the special young adults we retire, is an extraordinary sense of accomplishment.
Painting of an Asian Leopard Cat
by one of our special customers, Tracey CarpenterBengals (and Savannahs) are indoor cats, and they need space to exercise and play. Both Bengals and Savannahs are very social animals, and often do better in "pairs". If you're concerned about whether or not you would be able to spend enough time with your Bengal, consider purchasing a "two-some" as in two brothers, or a brother and sister, etc. Please call , write or e-mail us if you have any questions at all about these unique, beautiful felines. And, should you by chance become afflicted with the highly contagious, chronic, but fortunately non-fatal condition known as "Bengal-holicism", we also enjoy mentoring new Bengal breeders!!
This beautiful tile is a gift from special customers (and now fellow breeders) Linda and Paul Horn
Cats and kittens from Foothill Felines are fully guaranteed, and come with written contracts and health guarantees. We are located in the Sacramento area of north-central California, and LOVE having visitors to our home cattery!! We usually have kittens available several times a year for pets, breeders and on occasion, top show quality. We produce brown (black) spotted kittens with many different types of rosetting; kittens with or without glitter; pelted kittens whose fur feels like velvet; seal lynpoint and seal mink marbled snow Bengals; tri-colored marble Bengals, and marble and rosetted silver Bengals. We also produce silver and brown (black) spotted Savannahs. Rarely, we produce the melanistic "black panther" leopard kittens.
Our 10 foot tall super cat tree!
We are delighted to have been the very first U.S. Foreign Correspondent for PETWORLD MAGAZINE, published bi-monthly in Malaysia! Sharing our love for our cats with others around the world is a very important part of our breeding goals here at Foothill Felines.
One of our fun projects; a cookbook series for people, with illustrations of our cats
We have a rather unique view on life, health, love and family because of some of the things that have happened to us. Our cats have a way of connecting us with the most amazing people, and we've come to cherish them even more for this uncanny ability. We strive to honor that philosophy whenever we can. If you or someone you know and care about has severe medical or hardship circumstances in their family, and would really benefit from the love of a special cat or kitten, please let us know about them. Sometimes, we have cats or kittens that we can offer to families in need at a reduced price. This brings us a great deal of pleasure as we know firsthand the priceless healing power of a loving Bengal or Savannah kitten. Please note that we are not always able to do this as much as we would want to. This service is dependent upon the number and availability of kittens, and our own resources at the time.
At Foothill Felines, our kitties and ourselves feel very loved, living in a warm, cozy home
We are longtime Breeder Members of T.I.B.C.S. (The International Bengal Cat Society), plus T.I.C.A. (The International Cat Association), and A.C.F.A. (American Cat Fanciers' Association). In addition, we're also breeder members of S.C.S. (The Savannah Cat Society) and S.C.C. (The Savannah Cat Club). We've served on the Arbitration Committee of TIBCS, and are always available to help new breeders and owners.
More Holiday Greetings from our home cattery!
I n early 1997, we started the HDW's Chat Board for Bengal and All Cat Lovers, a fun and informative message board which has now grown to almost 800 members world-wide. We share pictures, stories, experiences, and all the ups and downs that we as pet owners and human beings experience on our journies, and we've become a very close on-line family. YOU'RE INVITED TO JOIN TOO!! In fact, we held our first "reunion" here at Foothill Felines in the summer of 2006. Most of us had never laid eyes on each other before; yet we felt as though we'd known each other all our lives. All we had in common was our love for these amazing cats ... because of them, we now have life-long friends all over the world.
Another treasured memory was in 1998 when we met
Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull and his wife Shona!
Here we are backstage after Jethro Tull's concert discussing Bengal cats!A ll of our cats and kittens are registered with T.I.C.A., and tested to be negative for FIV/FELV. Our kittens are SBT Bengals, which means they have pedigreed "purebred" studbook status in T.I.C.A., and have at least 3 generations back-to-back of Bengal to Bengal breeding. Most of our kittens have pedigrees that can be traced back to Three Separate Asian Leopard Cat Lines ... the Hatfield Leopard Cats, the Centerwall Leopard Cats, and the Kent Leopard Cats. We also have a fourth wild bloodline here in our Bengal program - the rare Bristol Cat line. Within our breeding program, we are constantly carefully selecting new bloodlines and desirable genetic traits that we want to bring in to our future litters. This helps to ensure our Bengals have exceptionally clean bloodlines. And of course, all of our kittens have many famous, highly admired and respected champion Bengals in their ancestry and pedigrees.
Our original sign!
We started our Savannah program in 2002. It's very exciting to be part of this new domestic breed of cat derived from crossing the gorgeous African Serval with a variety of domestic cats (including Bengals). The huge success of the Bengal Cat has paved the way for other new and exciting hybrid cat breeds to be developed.
Holly and Wesley Webber, November 2007
~ Click on book image above to order the new, 3rd edition
"Getting to Know the Bengal Cat" book by Gene Ducote of Gogees ~
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by HDW Enterprises, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. ![]() HDW Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 418104, Sacramento, CA 95841-8104 (916) 481-CATS ph/fax http://www.hdw-inc.com e-mail: holly@hdw-inc.com |