We are thrilled to provide easy one click ordering for our website customers of this fabulous product. We use a plug-in in every room we have cats. Just think of the possibilities for improving the quality of life for your family of humans and felines by having these Comfort Zone plug-ins in your home. They provide a continuous, gentle release of feline pheromones ("Feliway") which are very calming and soothing to cats and kittens, but odorless to people. Use when introducing a new addition to the family; before and after vet visits; during illness and recovery; if you've got a kitty in labor; in multi-cat households. Simply click on the pictures for more information, and to start the secure on-line ordering process. The plug-ins last up to 4 weeks, and economical refills are available. Used and highly recommended by HDW Enterprises and Foothill Felines Bengals and Savannahs for HAPPY CATS!
You've seen your cat contently rub her face on the furniture, corners of the room, bottom of the curtains, and even you. She's marking her surroundings with special facial pheromones. These pheromones reassure her that all is well in her little world. However, if something stressful disturbs your cat's environment such as a new pet, visitors, moving to a new home, or even rearranging the furniture, she may begin urine marking, scratching, or even stop eating, or have a reduced desire to play and interact. COMFORT ZONE PLUG-INS to the rescue! CLICK ON LINKS DIRECTLY BELOW, ABOVE THE LARGER IMAGES.
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by HDW Enterprises, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
HDW Enterprises,
Inc., Cameron Park, CA 95682 U.S.A. (530) 672-CATZ phone
http://www.hdw-inc.com e-mail: holly@hdw-inc.com